Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday: Sievering

After class today, I went to a Chinese place for lunch, then took the bus out to Sievering.

But it's been almost-Oklahoma hot since Sunday--and almost no air conditioning here, remember--so I wasn't too interested in roaming around too long. Got a few pics (below) then came home, took a shower, and am going to spend the evening studying for my German test tomorrow (the school's test to see if you can enroll in the next class, not Austria's test to see if you know enough German to get residency. Two different tests.)

B told me some of Vienna's richest people live in Sievering.
Judging from the size of this place, perhaps.

A mofo can't even take a pleasant walk without have to deal with MIDGETS.

I love this old French beater.

Sculpture on a pillar at the church in Sievering.

Sleepyheads of Vienna, if I catch you snoozing in public, I shall photograph you.
This is your first and only warning.

I love this statue of a grape-harvesting guy
with his grape-harvesting basket on his back.

Small sculpture in front of a commercial establishment.

A moped with a wine barrel on the back.
An indispensible bit of gear for the urban cyclist.


Anonymous said...

The big news is that it was 98.2° today.

Unusual at any time (that's very close to the highest temperature ever measured in this neck of the woods) but I can't remember that it ever happened at the end of August. Blowing straight in from the Sahara.

Only mad dogs and our Bicöntinental Bastard would even think of walking around in this weather.

The rest of us (those who haven't already used up their vacation time, that is) can be found at lakes and pools by the millions. Mostly submerged in same. The only civilised way to live through a heatwave, we think.


mod said...

Damn, almost frigid!
Being from OK, our BCB (Bi-Continental Bastard, of course) is used to temps like that. He may not care for them, but it's a normal August around these here parts. I imagine that's why he was able to wander around without melting.
Of course, it's always good to get out of the heat after awhile.
So, what was the humidity?

Anonymous said...

Around 70%.

Also highly unusual, since Austria's East has a continental climate - i.e. when it gets hot, it should be a dry heat and not as humid as that.

BTW, in Europe, some people were wondering whether yesterday's earthquake in DC might have been a warning from the Chinese - did the US fail to cough up the last instalment of its debt repayment and did the Chinese as a result all jump up and down at the same time..?


Michela said...

LOVE the dwarves! Great perspective - were you laying on the ground to snap the pic or did you find someone my height to do the honors? ha!

John X said...

Mod: It's not the heat, it's the stupidity.

Michela: the secret is having a camera with a flip-out, tiltable viewfinder, like you'll find on all camcorders but NOT on very many still cameras.

The tiltable viewfinder allows you to hold the camera high for "over the fence" shots but also very low, without having to move your eyes down to midget-level. You just look down at the screen, which is tilted up at you.

I have a Canon G12. Great camera. Check it out at B & H Photo-Video in NYC (their website, I mean.)

mod said...

70% at 98 is pretty darned muggy! It was 106 here today, but the humidity was only 22%. Still too hot.

And we have PLENTY of that around here, Mr. J.

The earthquake was probably mother earth telling the idiots in DC to pull their heads out of their asses.

John X said...

Mod, you could attach one end of a 2-inch steel cable to the implanted head of any given politician, and the other end to a fleet of D-10 Caterpiller dozers, and give the order "PULL IT OUT!" and the motors would melt before the guy's head would pop out of its cozy refuge.

Anonymous said...

Yard gnomes give me the creeps. I probably can't visit their homeland, after all. Dwarves are a genetic anomaly, and thus, understandable, but gnomes, my goddess, the inhumanity!