Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sunday Hike In The Snowy Vineyards

Woke up this morning to a very strange sight: glaring light pouring into the window. WTF?

Turns out it was the local G-type main sequence star we usually refer to as "The Sun," something I thought was dead and buried since arriving here December 7. But there it was, happily engaged in fusing its many hydrogen nuclei. Let there be light (if not much heat.)

So! B and I took a hike to around the base of the nearby vineyards, and here's some of what we saw:

The vineyards, sleeping it off after a long spring, summer, and autumn.

Clicketh on the pic to enlargeth, my brethren. You will see Vienna in the haze... 

Nothing like running down the slope to get the blood pumping.

We had a nice walk; went a couple of miles, maybe. Passed a lot of other hikers.

Then stopped off at Fidelio for a cup of hot chocolate.


B had to run an errand then, to one of Vienna's taxi companies to buy gift cards for Christmas presents. The dispatcher's office was on the 4th floor of an old-fashioned Viennese apartment building, and here's what the stairway looked like from up there:

Pleasant walk down. Up? Not so much.

Now we're home for a cozy evening in. Some TV, a good dinner, some wine and beer, some conversation.

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