B was out for several hours, visiting friends and running errands....
I stayed home all day. Didn't go outside once, not even out on the balcony. Wrote, studied German, watched TV.
It was my turn to fix supper but I wasn't in the right frame of mind so B took over and this resulted:
Homemade pizza! Everything from scratch except the dough and the meat.
Perfect dinner for a lazy, rainy day. Made with love.
Wow! She made homemade Mozzarella? And you grew the veggies yourselves?
I'm impressed!!!
She used organic Austrian smoked sheep cheese, cubed, since there was no Mozarella in the fridge (and yours truly ONLY uses buffalo mozzarella from Campania, nothing else is even allowed to cross the threshold to my fridge, mind you, definitely not these dried-out white/yellow corpses that go by the same name and which they sell under the very same name in the US!).
The result was neverthelsess to the liking of the taste buds of your buddy, though. But I agree that a lot of real mozzarella would have made quite a difference.
I bow to your superior culinary skills and knowledge. It is obvious you have a unique ability for turning out gustatory delights.
Unfortunately it is nigh impossible to find excellent mozz here in the hinterland. And buffalo mozz? From Campania? Fuggedaboutit.
Mod, B told me they stock the good mozz at Forward Foods on Western, just north of 50th.
Expensive, but you know---it comes right outta the buffalo.
I didn't see it in the cheese case when I went there a couple of weeks ago. But then, I was drooling over the olive oil and the cheese I did see, so maybe I missed it.
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