Finally feeling almost human again, but the sniffles and the cough remains. My strength is more or less back, I think. So today we went into town and did this:
Went to the Cafe Hawelka, a place that out Red Cups the Red Cup (and I love the Red Cup, so this is no disrespect.) Old time coffeehouse atmosphere out the ass...

interior of the legendary Cafe Hawelka
Then to the Jewish Museum, where we saw the Wilhelm Reich exhibit. Reich was a respected and innovative psychoanalyst who eventually moved to Amerika where ultimately, his research materials and books and equipment were destroyed by the Feds, who then imprisoned him. He died in prison.
Reich's later work was controversial, but basically he felt like people ought to have a lot of orgasms, as often as possible, to keep them from going out of their minds. I guess J. Edgar Hoover couldn't put up with that sort of bullshit, so Auf Wiedersehen, Herr Doktor Reich.
Then a quick stop at this tiny shop where they make exquisite little open face sandwiches.
Finally we stopped off at the world famous Demel chocolatier. Unbelievably creative confectioners, and you can watch through glass walls as they prepare some of their creations---they were working on a huge marzipan pig when we passed through on our way upstairs for a hot chocolate. This was the real deal made with real quality chocolate, and not cheap: our two cups cost us about $15. A rare indulgence for your humble correspondent, who can buy a 5-liter box of the finest cheapest wine for about that price in OKC.
Then home. Then this post.
Now pizza and beer, and a good book in the living room with B.
Hope you've enjoyed the circus.