Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 6 of 14: Never Been To Spain, Until Today. Maybe.

This afternoon we're supposed to fly to Barcelona. It'll be my first time. B's been there several times...

But, in watching the departure times for the flight over the past week or so, we notice that the plane has been leaving hours late, which means we may actually arrive very early tomorrow morning.

Anyhow. We'll be there until late Monday, then we fly back to Vienna.

These blog posts may or may not be timely---not sure of the computer situation where we're staying.


OK. We made it with no problem. Plane left more or less on time, and arrived a bit early.

Took the bus to the center of town. Barcelona is a bustling city! Relatively warm tonight, I'd say maybe 55 degrees F., TONS of people in the streets walking here and there, going about their weekend activities....beautiful architecture, etc.

Grabbed a cab from the center of town to the home of our hosts, M and A. Fare was about 6.70 Euros and I gave the guy a 10, told him to keep the change. Got scolded by B for this, and maybe it was too much, but WTF? He was a happy Spaniard, and we got where we were going.

A, the husband, made an excellent dish---fish with rice. Served with a a very nice white wine.

Then A invited me to try his massage chair. I sat down, he pressed a button, the thing reclined slowly, and for the next fifteen minutes the thing whirled and swirled and did its thing. Between the wine and the massage chair, I'm ready for bed.

A few good conversations with M, the. wife, and now to bed. Tomorrow, a big day. We drive out to the country for a Spring Onion Festival...kind of a Catalonian tradition.