A man feeds the fish at the Badegrund. Note the churning in the water as the carp feed. This was about a 20-foot circle of fish and it looked like a Jacuzzi gone super-critical.
The Badegrund is an old quarry where B's parents have a small plot of land, about 35 X 35. This artificial lake is surrounded by other small plots where people come to swim and get away from it all---though it's in Vienna proper and not too far from a new highway. For now it's peaceful and the water is fine.
A lady enjoying some Chinese take-away.
I imagined this guy to be a warrior-scholar, contemplating Schopenhauer while drinking his beer. I expected him to look up from his book at any moment, enlightened...then shout, "THAT'S IT!" slam the book shut, and stroll off in search of the first train to Tibet.
I did not imagine this guy to be a warrior-scholar. He was barefoot and his feet were beat up pretty badly. He was sound asleep, his hand buried deep in his pants.
I called this guy Walter Pigeon. The pigeons swarmed around him and he usually had one or two on his lap.
Not the Food Of The Gods. Rather, the Food Of The Bi-Continental Bastard. What I had for lunch.
Two disembodied heads, giving head. Saw them in a second-floor window.
Statue of famous music-composing guy Franz Schubert.
A lonely man feeding the ducks at the Stadtpark, one of Vienna's beautiful public places.
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